
Explore dacadoo, a Zurich-based firm enhancing health through a digital platform that calculates a personalized Health Score, leverages AI, and ensures data privacy.

August 29, 2024

A photo of the author - Simon Rowles
Simon Rowles
Founder, CEO


New Zealand


Loyalty Extension

Research Report

dacadoo is a Zurich-based company providing a digital health platform designed to promote healthier lifestyles. By leveraging social networking, gamification, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics, dacadoo aims to improve users' health and wellbeing. The platform calculates a Health Score based on physical, mental, and lifestyle data, offering personalised insights and wellbeing advice.

For businesses, dacadoo offers tailored solutions to engage customers and employees, helping to cultivate healthier habits. The Digital Health Engagement Platform (DHEP) integrates AI, lifestyle coaching, and rewards, making it an effective tool for driving health engagement and retention.

The company also focuses on privacy and compliance, ensuring all user data is protected. Their commitment to data security underpins the trust they build with users and businesses alike. As dacadoo continues to expand, it aims to have a significant positive impact on both individual health and broader society.

Key Takeaways

  • dacadoo offers a Health Score based on physical, mental, and lifestyle data.
  • The platform uses AI, gamification, and rewards to engage users.
  • dacadoo ensures strong data privacy and compliance for all users.

Understanding Dacadoo

Dacadoo blends digital health engagement, innovation, and technology to enhance health and wellbeing. It offers robust services and solutions, all built on a foundation of scientific data and advanced algorithms.

Core Philosophy

At its core, Dacadoo aims to improve global health through digital health engagement. Founded by Peter Ohnemus in Zurich, Switzerland, the company leverages scientific data and technology to create accessible health solutions.

Their focus lies on promoting positive health and lifestyle choices. The foundational element of their platform is the Health Score, which aggregates clinical and customer data to provide real-time health indicators. This score is a crucial part of Dacadoo's mission to encourage healthier living.

Services and Solutions

Dacadoo offers a range of services and solutions primarily through its SaaS and API offerings. The Digital Health Engagement Platform (DHEP) is a standout, offering businesses tools to engage customers in health and wellbeing activities.

They also provide the DHEP White Label (DHEP-WL) and the Health Score API (HS-API) for custom integrations. These solutions help companies integrate health data into their systems, fostering a culture of health and wellness. Additionally, the risk engine component allows for detailed analysis and prediction of health risks.

The Technology Behind Dacadoo

Dacadoo's technology relies heavily on AI, data, and datafication. Their Health Score is based on 300 million person-years of clinical and customer data, which bolsters its accuracy in predicting health outcomes.

The API offerings such as HS-API and DHEP-API allow developers to access and integrate the platform's functionalities into their applications. The use of advanced algorithms and continual data analysis makes the platform adaptive and responsive to user health needs. Furthermore, collaborations with institutions like the University Hospital Basel highlight their commitment to leveraging wearable technology and continuous health monitoring.

Health and Wellbeing Quantification

Quantifying health and wellbeing involves using a variety of metrics to assess a person's overall state of health. Dacadoo has developed a system that integrates biometric, lifestyle, and psychometric inputs to create a comprehensive picture of an individual's health.

The Health Score System

Dacadoo's Health Score is a central feature that quantifies health on a scale from 0 to 1,000. This score combines data from several areas, such as nutrition, activity, sleep, and self-control. The Health Score is generated from user-provided information and data collected from wearables.

This score is dynamic and adjusts as new data is entered. For example, changes in exercise patterns or diet modifications will influence the Health Score, providing real-time feedback on one's health journey. This system makes it easier for users to understand their health risks and take actionable steps towards improvement.

Behavioural Science Insights

Dacadoo also incorporates insights from behavioural science to foster better motivation and self-control. By analysing behavioural patterns, the platform can provide personalised advice and nudges that encourage healthier choices. Features like mindfulness exercises and goal-setting tools are part of this approach.

These tools help users build sustainable habits that improve their health. For instance, consistent reminders to exercise or sleep well can lead to significant improvements in the Health Score. Behavioural insights ensure that the platform is not just reactive but proactive in promoting long-term wellbeing.

For more information, visit Digital Health Engagement Platform (DHEP) | dacadoo.

Expanding Dacadoo Reach

Dacadoo is expanding its reach by diversifying into new industries and markets. It also continues to grow its global presence, bringing its innovative health technologies to more people around the world.

Industries and Markets

Dacadoo serves multiple industries, including insurers and healthcare providers. Their platform helps these entities improve customer acquisition and loyalty through personalised health engagements.

In corporate wellness, dacadoo provides tools that employers can use to enhance employee health and productivity. Retailers and banks also benefit, as dacadoo's platform encourages healthy lifestyle choices which can lead to lower insurance claims and healthier customers.

Dacadoo’s innovative Health Score uses millions of person-years of scientific data, attracting interest from various sectors. This data-driven approach has made dacadoo a preferred partner for many enterprises prioritising wellness.

Global Presence

Dacadoo's headquarters is in Zurich, but its influence extends far beyond Switzerland. Lausanne also plays a crucial role in its operations. Dacadoo has established strategic partnerships to extend its technologies across continents.

In 2024, dacadoo expanded into Africa through a partnership with Stanmed.ai. This collaboration aims to improve health outcomes in countries where healthcare resources are limited. By working together, they leverage their networks to offer innovative health solutions.

Dacadoo's reach now includes over 40 countries. Their technology is used by organisations like the World Health Organization to promote global health and wellbeing. This broad presence underscores dacadoo’s commitment to making a positive impact on a global scale.

User Engagement and Retention

dacadoo has developed a comprehensive approach to user engagement and retention, integrating gamification and motivation techniques. This aims to acquire, retain, and engage customers effectively.

Engagement Strategies

dacadoo employs various strategies to enhance user engagement. Gamification is a key component, using game-like features to make health management more appealing. Users can track their progress through points, badges, and leaderboards.

These features are designed to tap into the human desire for competition and achievement, encouraging more consistent use of the platform.

Rewards also play a significant role. Users can earn tangible rewards, which further incentivises participation. dacadoo's digital health solutions are science-backed, ensuring they are not just engaging, but also effective in improving user health.

Customer Lifecycle Management

dacadoo focuses on customer lifecycle management to enhance retention. This involves understanding and addressing the needs of users at different stages. For new users, easy onboarding processes are essential.

dacadoo provides tools and resources that help new users get started quickly. For long-term users, personalised content and continuous engagement are vital. The platform offers tailored health plans, regular updates, and community interactions to keep users motivated.

Employee benefits are also integrated into dacadoo's solutions, making these tools beneficial for businesses aiming to improve their workforce's health. This dual approach of engaging individual users and offering value to employers helps in maintaining higher customer retention rates.

By strategically managing customer lifecycles, dacadoo ensures sustained engagement and loyalty.

Business Solutions

dacadoo offers a range of business solutions geared towards enhancing health and wellness engagement via digital platforms. These solutions include partnerships with various sectors and tailored business services to meet specific needs.

Partnerships and Collaborations

dacadoo collaborates with diverse industries such as insurance companies, banks, and health providers. Through these partnerships, dacadoo enables businesses to integrate health and wellness services into their existing frameworks.

Insurance companies benefit from dacadoo's enterprise digital health engagement platform, which helps mitigate health risks and improve customer loyalty. Banks can offer wellness incentives that align with financial health, encouraging healthier lifestyle choices among their clientele.

The management team and the scientific advisory board guide these collaborations by bringing expertise in health data analytics and user engagement. These partnerships help businesses grow by providing value-added services that support customer health and wellbeing.

dacadoo Business Services

dacadoo offers specialised business services that utilise their digital health engagement platform. This platform provides tools such as personalised health scores, lifestyle coaching, and predictive analytics.

The health score, based on millions of person-years of data, offers near real-time insights into an individual's wellbeing. Businesses can use this data to build customised health initiatives and reward programmes.

dacadoo's white label solution allows companies to brand these health services as their own. This is particularly beneficial for businesses aiming to maintain a consistent brand experience while offering cutting-edge health solutions. The company's solutions are designed with a mobile-first approach, ensuring easy access and high engagement rates among users.

Compliance and Privacy

dacadoo takes compliance and privacy very seriously. The company is committed to adhering to rigorous data protection standards and securing user information. This involves implementing strict data handling protocols and obtaining necessary certifications.

Data Protection Standards

dacadoo follows numerous data protection standards to secure personal data. The company is compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), ensuring that data is handled responsibly and transparently.

They have also earned ISO/IEC 27701:2019 certification, which focuses on privacy information management. This accreditation shows dacadoo's commitment to data security. It means they have measures in place to protect user data from unauthorised access.

Moreover, they have stringent security protocols to safeguard personal data, from encryption methods to secure data storage. This dedication to security and compliance helps build trust with their users and partners.

Commitment to User Privacy

dacadoo prioritises user privacy by following strict data handling policies. They anonymise vast amounts of health and lifestyle data, making it both compliant and actionable. This process helps to ensure that confidentiality is maintained, and personal information is not misused.

The company also adheres to GDPR and HIPAA, which sets the highest standards for data protection and privacy. This compliance ensures users' sensitive information remains confidential and secure.

Through advanced privacy measures, dacadoo ensures that personal health data is processed in a manner that respects user rights and freedoms. Their data anonymisation techniques play a key role in making sure health and lifestyle data can be used for insights without compromising individual privacy.

Supporting Resources

dacadoo offers a range of resources aimed at enhancing user knowledge and engagement. These materials help individuals and businesses understand and apply health tech solutions effectively.

Educational Materials

dacadoo provides diverse educational materials, including white papers, reports, and infographics. These resources deliver in-depth industry research, trends, and analysis. White papers often cover topics such as digital health engagement and Health Score insights, offering a deep dive into the mechanisms and benefits of dacadoo’s solutions.

The Content Hub features flyers and educational articles, making complex health tech concepts accessible. Webinars are also available, providing interactive learning opportunities. These sessions typically cover the latest innovations in digital health, offering participants a chance to engage with industry experts and ask questions in real-time. Together, these educational resources empower users to make informed decisions about their health and wellness.

Case Studies and Use Cases

dacadoo showcases numerous case studies and use cases highlighting successful implementations of their digital health solutions. These case studies present real-world applications and benefits, demonstrating how various companies and institutions have utilised dacadoo’s technology.

For instance, the collaboration with University Hospital Basel on a trial involving wearables and continuous glucose monitoring in cardiology exemplifies the practical impact of dacadoo’s solutions. Similarly, the partnership with Manulife in Asia on the ManulifeMOVE health engagement platform shows how dacadoo supports healthier lifestyles.

These examples provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of dacadoo's tools, illustrating the tangible benefits for both users and organisations. These case studies act as powerful testimonials, making a compelling case for adopting dacadoo’s innovative health solutions.

Community Outreach and Events

dacadoo has been proactive in community outreach through participation in global conferences and has received multiple recognitions and awards. Their presence in these areas highlights their leadership, innovation, and commitment to improving community health and wellbeing.

Global Conferences

dacadoo actively participates in global events like the Tech Tour Growth Health Conference. This conference is renowned for showcasing innovations in digital health. dacadoo’s involvement allows them to network with other leaders and discuss advancements in health technology.

Additionally, their attendance at the Conference2024 highlights their dedication to staying at the forefront of health tech. These conferences provide valuable opportunities for dacadoo to present new developments and engage with a global audience, fostering connections and sharing insights on improving health through technology.

Recognitions and Awards

dacadoo has earned several prestigious awards that underline their role in the digital health industry. They were honoured at the AI in Digital Health Awards (AIawards) for their cutting-edge Digital Health Engagement Platform (DHEP). This platform leverages AI to encourage healthier lifestyles and provides real-time feedback on individual health statuses.

Such recognitions validate dacadoo’s innovative approach and commitment to community health. They highlight the effectiveness of their solutions in driving positive health outcomes. These accolades not only strengthen dacadoo’s reputation but also inspire confidence among partners and clients in their technology and initiatives.

For more information on dacadoo’s community outreach efforts, you can visit their About page. For the latest updates, check out their News section.

Impact on Health and Society

dacadoo's innovative solutions, such as their Digital Health Engagement Platform, are making significant strides in both preventive health and mental wellbeing. By leveraging digital tools, they aim to foster healthier lifestyles and improve overall wellness.

Prevention and Healthy Aging

dacadoo focuses heavily on prevention and promoting healthy ageing. They have developed a science-based Health Score, which uses extensive scientific data to evaluate an individual's health in real time. This tool helps users monitor their wellness and make informed lifestyle choices.

By empowering employees and clients with data-driven insights, dacadoo encourages preventive measures that can lead to longer, healthier lives. The emphasis on proactive health management can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and healthcare costs, contributing to better longevity.

The collaborative effort with Changing Health expands their reach in behaviour change programmes, further supporting preventive health measures.

Health at Home and Mental Wellbeing

dacadoo recognises the importance of mental wellbeing and offers features tailored to it. Their platform provides users with tools to manage stress, anxiety, and overall mental health from the comfort of their homes.

By integrating mental health solutions, they foster a holistic approach to wellness. The latest platform updates include enhancements that support mental health intervention and tracking, making it easier for users to maintain balance in their daily lives.

Promoting mental wellbeing is crucial for a healthy lifestyle, as it affects physical health and productivity. dacadoo’s initiatives help users achieve a balanced and healthier life by focusing on both mental and physical aspects of health.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section answers some common questions about dacadoo, covering topics like their Health Score method, career opportunities, investments, competitors, revenue streams, and APIs for integration.

What is the method behind the calculation of the Health Score?

dacadoo calculates its Health Score using millions of person-years of scientific data. This data generates a real-time indicator of health and wellbeing. The score provides an overview of a person's health based on various factors, including physical activity, nutrition, and mental wellbeing.

Can you give an overview of the career opportunities available at this company?

dacadoo offers careers in various fields such as software development, data science, sales, and marketing. The company frequently looks for individuals passionate about health and technology. Opportunities for professional growth and innovation are key aspects of their employment experience.

What have been the noteworthy investments into the company thus far?

dacadoo has attracted investments from notable venture capital firms and strategic partners. These investments have fuelled their growth and helped in the development of their Digital Health Engagement Platform (DHEP) and other innovative products.

What firms are considered as direct competitors?

dacadoo's direct competitors include companies like Virgin Pulse and Vitality Group. These firms also focus on health and wellness platforms aimed at improving individual wellbeing and engagement through technology-driven solutions.

Could you detail the different revenue streams for the company?

dacadoo's revenue comes from several streams. They offer subscription services for their digital health platform, provide health engagement solutions to businesses, and sell licensing for their Health Score technology. They also generate income through partnerships and strategic alliances.

What sort of application programming interfaces does the company offer for integration?

dacadoo offers various APIs for integration. These APIs allow third-party developers to incorporate dacadoo's health data and Health Score into their own applications. This facilitates seamless data exchange and enhances the functionality of partner platforms.