
Perkville is a web-based platform offering customized rewards and referral programs to enhance customer loyalty and increase sales across various industries.

August 29, 2024

A photo of the author - Simon Rowles
Simon Rowles
Founder, CEO


New Zealand


Loyalty Foundation

Research Report

Perkville is a web-based platform that enables businesses to create and manage custom rewards and referral programs. The platform integrates seamlessly with POS and scheduling systems, making it easier for businesses to increase referrals and customer retention. It offers solutions tailored for various industries, ensuring that companies can engage their customers effectively.

Businesses can offer points, discounts, gift cards, and other promotions for customer activities such as spending, checking in, attending appointments, and referring friends with Perkville. This flexibility allows companies to build a program that meets their specific needs and keeps customers coming back. By generating social media posts, Perkville also helps businesses gain visibility and attract new customers.

For companies looking to grow, Perkville provides an invaluable tool to enhance customer loyalty and drive sales. Existing business customers can learn about new features and get support through the platform's dedicated channels, ensuring they maximise the benefits of this robust loyalty system.

Key Takeaways

  • Perkville helps create custom rewards and referral programs.
  • It boosts customer retention and social media visibility.
  • The platform integrates with various industry systems.

Understanding Perkville

Perkville is designed to help businesses grow by leveraging loyalty programmes. It aids in customer retention and boosts engagement through rewards and referral schemes.

The Concept of Loyalty Programmes

Loyalty programmes are systems where businesses reward customers for repeat engagement. These programmes aim to enhance customer retention by offering points, discounts, or other incentives. Perkville uses a points-based system, allowing customers to earn and redeem points through various activities, such as purchases, referrals, and social media engagement.

Businesses benefit by fostering long-term relationships with customers. Increased repeat business and customer referrals lead to higher revenue.

The integration of gamification elements adds fun to the process, encouraging more frequent customer participation.

Key Features of Perkville

Perkville offers a comprehensive suite of features to manage loyalty and referral programmes efficiently. One significant feature is the automated rewards and referral system. This allows businesses to focus more on daily operations and less on the manual management of loyalty schemes.

Voucher creation is another key feature. Customers can redeem their points for rewards, creating vouchers that can be verified and managed by staff. This streamlines the redemption process and ensures a smooth customer experience.

Additionally, Perkville provides administrative tools to handle customer queries and track voucher status.

Engagement and Retention

Perkville keeps customers engaged by prompting them to earn and redeem points in various ways. The system encourages engagement through activities like referrals and social media shares. This increases the likelihood of a customer returning to the business.

By offering appealing and achievable rewards, Perkville builds customer loyalty and boosts retention rates. Regular interactions and rewards create a sense of value, making customers feel appreciated and more connected to the brand.

The seamless integration of these engagement tactics makes it easy for businesses to maintain a loyal customer base and drive continuous interaction.

Setting Up Perkville

Setting up Perkville involves launching your programme, customising and branding, and defining earning rules and structures. Each step ensures a seamless integration with your existing business operations, creating a successful customer loyalty programme.

Launching Your Programme

To launch your loyalty programme, first enable the Perkville integration. Navigate to Facility Settings > Integrations > Loyalty, and check the 'Enable' box before saving the configuration. Next, use your Perkville username and password to request an access token. This setup connects Perkville to your business management system, allowing you to manage rewards and track customer engagement.

Create a welcome email that explains how customers can start earning points. Highlight the benefits of joining the programme and provide a link to sign up. Launch promotional campaigns to introduce the programme to your customers, ensuring they know about the rewards and how to participate.

Customisation and Branding

Customising and branding your Perkville programme ensures it aligns with your business identity. Start by editing the appearance of your loyalty programme interface to match your brand colours, logo, and design elements. Consistent branding enhances brand recognition and customer trust.

Create custom rewards that reflect your business's unique offerings. For example, a gym might offer points for attending classes, while a salon could reward repeat visits. Tailoring rewards to your customer base encourages engagement and loyalty. Additionally, customise the language and tone of communication to reflect your brand's voice, ensuring a consistent customer experience.

Earning Rules and Structures

Defining earning rules and structures is crucial for a successful loyalty programme. Start by listing the actions customers can take to earn points, such as making a purchase, referring friends, or engaging on social media. Set clear point values for each action so customers understand how to earn points.

For example, awarding 10 points per class attended or 50 points for a successful referral can motivate specific behaviours. Use custom rewards to create unique earning opportunities. Regularly review and adjust the earning rules based on customer feedback and business goals to keep the programme effective and relevant.

Growing Your Business with Perkville

Perkville can help businesses grow by increasing customer referrals, expanding their customer base, and boosting revenue through customer engagement strategies. Using a points-based system, businesses can reward actions that enhance growth.

Referral Strategies

A strong referral programme encourages satisfied customers to refer friends and family to your business. Perkville makes this process straightforward by integrating with your existing point of sale or scheduling system. Customers earn points for every referral they make, which they can redeem for rewards.

This system not only incentivises current customers but also attracts new ones. The ease of the process ensures that customers are more likely to participate, helping your business grow efficiently through word-of-mouth marketing.

Expanding Customer Base

Expanding your customer base is essential for growth. With Perkville, businesses can promote their services in the Perkville Marketplace. This platform allows businesses to cross-promote each other's services, giving them free advertising opportunities.

By collaborating with other local businesses, you can tap into new customer groups. These collaborations can lead to increased visibility and a larger, more diverse customer base, ultimately driving more traffic to your business.

Increasing Revenue Through Engagement

Customer engagement is crucial for increasing revenue. Perkville's points-based system motivates customers to take actions that benefit the business, such as making purchases or attending events. These actions are rewarded with points, which can be redeemed for various rewards.

By gamifying customer interactions, businesses can increase engagement, leading to higher customer retention and a boost in sales. This method turns everyday business activities into opportunities for growth, ensuring that customers continue to return and spend more.

Leveraging Perkville for Marketing

Perkville offers several strategies to seamlessly integrate marketing efforts. By using tools like social media promotions, showcasing case studies, and automated marketing features, businesses can enhance engagement and growth.

Promotions via Social Media

Promoting your rewards programme through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook can significantly boost customer engagement. Create engaging posts that highlight the benefits of joining the rewards programme. This can include exclusive offers, points for likes and shares, or referral incentives. Engaging visuals and consistent branding can make these promotions more effective. Collaborating with influencers or running social media contests can also drive interest and participation, expanding your reach.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Showcasing case studies and success stories provides valuable insights into how Perkville has helped other businesses succeed. These stories can be shared on your website, social media, and newsletters. Highlight specific metrics, such as increased customer retention or revenue growth, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the rewards programme. Including quotes from satisfied customers or detailed accounts of their positive experiences can further build credibility and trust.

Automated Marketing Features

Perkville integrates with multiple systems to automate marketing efforts, simplifying the process of engaging with customers. Automated emails and notifications can remind customers of their points balance, prompt them to redeem rewards, or inform them of new promotions. These features ensure consistent communication without requiring constant manual input, freeing up time for other tasks. Integrating Perkville's data with your existing tools allows for more personalised and effective marketing campaigns, increasing overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Customer Experience with Perkville

Perkville offers a variety of features for earning and redeeming points, strong customer support, and a user-friendly interface. This section explores each of these aspects in detail.

Earning and Redeeming Points

Customers can earn points through various actions. These include referrals, social media interactions, and in-store purchases. For example, users can earn 5 points for a Tweet or 50 points for referring a friend. These points can be redeemed for rewards like discounts or free services.

Businesses have the flexibility to set how many points each action earns. The variety of earning methods encourages customer engagement and loyalty. The redeeming process is straightforward, ensuring customers find value in their points.

Customer Support and Feedback

Perkville is known for its great customer service, but users have noted that it can be costly for limited functions. Customer support is often highlighted as responsive and helpful.

Despite the positive feedback, some users miss additional features such as email newsletters or text messaging functions. These gaps can affect the overall value for some users. Businesses appreciate the real-time assistance and problem-solving capabilities provided by the support team.

User Interface and Usability Issues

Perkville boasts an easy-to-use interface. The platform integrates seamlessly with various systems like ecommerce and point-of-sale, ensuring a smooth user experience.

However, users may encounter occasional loading issues or CSS errors that disrupt the main content. Refreshing the page often solves these issues. While generally user-friendly, the interface may require occasional tweaks to maintain optimal performance and usability for all customers.

Operational Aspects of Perkville

Perkville provides multiple features to help businesses manage loyalty and referral programmes efficiently. Key areas of focus include integrating with different systems, ensuring data privacy, and offering robust technical support.

Integration with Existing Systems

Perkville's integration capabilities are crucial for automating and streamlining loyalty and referral processes. The platform connects with over 40 different systems, including popular CRM, POS, and email marketing tools. This flexibility allows businesses to reward customer behaviours automatically.

Benefits include seamless data sync and enhanced user experiences. Current customers value the ability to utilise data efficiently across sales and marketing tools. The integration process is straightforward usually involving simple API connections which eliminates the need for complex setups.

Using Perkville,inc's demo options allows businesses to see how these integrations work in real-time. It significantly reduces manual effort and improves accuracy in tracking customer activities.

Data Security and Privacy

Data security is a top priority for Perkville. The platform utilises industry-standard encryption to protect customer data. Additionally, they comply with GDPR and other regulatory requirements to ensure user data is handled responsibly.

Businesses retain control of their customer data, adhering to clearly defined data governance policies. Perkville is committed to safeguarding personal information from unauthorised access, ensuring that only authorised business staff can view and manage customer details.

Part of their rights reserved policy ensures that they will not share customer data without explicit consent. This assures both businesses and customers that their information is stored securely and used appropriately.

Technical Support and Maintenance

Perkville offers comprehensive technical support to help businesses maximise the platform. Their support team is available to handle any issues, from integration challenges to daily operational queries. This support is accessible through various channels like email, phone, and an extensive user guide.

Maintenance of the platform is streamlined and requires minimal input from the businesses. Regular updates ensure that the platform remains secure and operates efficiently. The support team also assists users in navigating these updates to ensure smooth transitions.

Easy access to help resources ensures that businesses can resolve issues quickly, enabling them to focus on leveraging Perkville's features to grow their customer loyalty and referral programmes effectively.

Experiences and Best Practices

Businesses across various industries have utilized Perkville to enhance customer retention, increase referrals, and boost spending. Here we explore how different companies have succeeded, tips for optimising the programme, and lessons from common challenges.

Success Stories from Varied Industries

Gym and fitness centres have reported increased customer engagement through Perkville. By rewarding members for attending classes and referring friends, gyms have seen a rise in both retention and new sign-ups. For instance, some fitness centres noted a 30% increase in referrals.

Small retail businesses also benefit by offering points for purchases, which encourages spending. A local bookstore managed to increase average transaction values by 15%, by integrating Perkville with their point-of-sale system.

Restaurants use Perkville to reward customers for frequent visits and social media shares. A chain of cafes saw a significant boost in online engagement, with customers earning points for each Instagram post featuring their products.

Tips for Maximising Programme Potential

Customise earning rules: Tailor your rewards to fit your business model. If your goal is more foot traffic, offer points for each visit. For higher spending, reward larger purchases.

Promote the programme: Make sure customers know about your rewards programme. Use email marketing, in-store signage, and staff recommendations to inform and remind customers.

Automate the process: Integrate Perkville with your existing systems to streamline point allocation and redemption. This reduces manual work and ensures accuracy.

Encourage social sharing: Offer points for social media posts and reviews. This not only increases engagement but also serves as free advertising.

Learning from Common Challenges

Some businesses face challenges with initial setup or integration. To avoid complications, utilise Perkville’s support resources and guides. Reach out to their team for assistance with technical issues.

Another common issue is maintaining customer interest. Regularly update rewards and offers to keep the programme fresh and exciting. Stagnant rewards can lead to reduced participation and interest.

Fraud and abuse of the reward system can occur. Implement checks and balances to ensure fairness. Regular audits of earned and redeemed points can help maintain the integrity of your programme.

By addressing these challenges, businesses can fully leverage Perkville to enhance customer loyalty and drive growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Perkville offers various ways for customers and businesses to manage and redeem their rewards, as well as providing detailed support options.

How can one log in to access their rewards on Perkville?

Users can log in to Perkville by visiting the customer support page. They need to enter their registered email and password. If they forget their password, there is an option to reset it.

What variety of rewards can be obtained through Perkville?

Perkville rewards range from discounts to free products or services. The specific rewards depend on the business that the user is interacting with. Points can be collected and redeemed for a variety of incentives.

Is Perkville affiliated with Planet Fitness, and if so, how can members utilise their points?

Yes, Perkville is affiliated with Planet Fitness. Members can earn points for activities such as checking in at the gym, referring friends, and attending classes. Points can then be redeemed for rewards like free membership months or branded merchandise.

Are there specific benefits for First Ascent members through Perkville?

First Ascent members can earn points for activities like attending classes, referring friends, or participating in challenges. These points can be redeemed for gear, free classes, or membership discounts.

What procedures must businesses follow to log in to Perkville?

Businesses can log in to their Perkville account by accessing the business support page. They need their email and password registered with Perkville. For account security, businesses should follow additional steps like enabling two-factor authentication.

How can customers get in touch with Perkville's support team?

Customers can reach Perkville's support team through their contact support page. They can submit a help request for issues like point redemption, account security, and general inquiries. Responses are usually prompt to assist with any concerns.